Thursday, September 02, 2010

Who says

經過一整年的荒廢, 雖然我沒有忘記這裡的存在, 但是要繼續地冷言冷語下去, 是需要時間來醞釀的...至少2010年裡也要來寫一篇阿!

最大的改變就是離開了學校系統, 到醫院去上班了, 我即使還是會在課堂上教課, 生活的重心已經不是著重和邏輯以及數字打仗, 還要和時間賽跑, 學術外的世界並不是非常理性的, 明明有效的治療方法有時候就是會失靈, 我這滿腔熱血的治療師也只能愛莫能助, 幸好新的同事和至今遇到的病人大多數都是好人, 讓我還在適應中的新生活抱持一貫的優雅...

這一年學到很多“離別“, 有生離也有死別, 我的理性不斷的告訴自己在分開的當下該要堅強, 我的感性卻又無法止住讓我瀟灑的放下, 只能留待時間沖淡濃濃的情緒, 雖說在他鄉的日子裡以及醫學的訓練中, 面對離別應該是很平常的, 人們來來去去, 我的落腳處不總是別人的落腳處, 就像是從前沒想過要離開台灣, 現在也應該不期待自己會永遠的待在這裡吧?(想起蘇軾的詩:人生到處知何似?應似飛鴻踏雪泥。泥上偶然留指爪,鴻飛那復計東西。)不過話說回來, 離別也是再會-等待再相會的時候, 我一直是期待再和親愛的你們聚首那時刻的, 因為我還是想知道, 分開的這段時間裡發生了哪些事, 讓我們變得不同或是更相同了呢? [左圖:第一次到森林裡露營加上朋友的拉不拉多]

上面的一段落如果太沈重的話, 讓我來分享使用iphone的小心得好了:目前剛拿到iphone4約3周, 這是我用Nokia的舊機5年後的一個大躍進喔!本姑娘還滿喜歡它的觸控鍵盤 (雖然手常常滑掉按到別的鍵), 還有程式互換的功能(意思是說"當在說電話同時也可以上網查資料"之類的), 當然也包括可以照相甚至自拍 (有打閃光的功能喔), 可以錄音(上次去audition前還有自己錄下練習的過程), 最開心的是可以自己剪輯鈴聲....^^

說到鈴聲, 就來聽歌吧...最近有一首歌很迷人差點變成我的手機鈴聲, 但是擔心自己聽不到而作罷...
Who Says (收集在 John Mayer 最新專輯Battle Studies中)

Who says I can't get stoned
Turn off the lights and the telephone
Me in my house alone
Who says I can't get stoned

Who says I can't be free
From all of the things that I used to be
Rewrite my history
Who says I can't be free

It's been a long night in New York City
It's been a long night in Baton Rouge
I don't remember you looking any better
But then again I don't remember you

Who says I can't get stoned
Call up a girl that I used to know
Fake love for an hour or so
Who says I can't get stoned

Who says I can't take time
Meet all the girls in the county line
Wait on fate to send a sign
Who says I can't take time

It's been a long night in New York City
It's been a long night in Austin too
I don't remember you looking any better
But then again I don't remember you

Who says I can't get stoned
Plan a trip to Japan alone
Doesn't matter if I even go
Who says I can't get stoned

It's been a long night in New York City
It's been a long time since 22
I don't remember you looking any better
But then again I don't remember you

Tuesday, July 07, 2009


您還是那樣為別人著想 等待我回去看看您
但這回我希望您放下一切不捨 好好的走





Sunday, March 29, 2009


我猜今年應該不會有四月雪了吧?天氣雖然不致於暖和到關掉暖氣但至少不須要穿大衣了, 沿路上的樹梢都長了新芽, 還看到紅腹雀紛紛飛出來找食物, 看來該找個時間去照春天的Pitt了 (右圖: UPitt校園的一角).

我很久沒有寫blog一時之間也不知從何說起, 從Floria的旅行回來發生了很多事, 我一直想寫佛州遊記, 接著是我的驚奇慶生會, 然後又是Superbowl, 還有Cynthia的來訪, 加上之前的Ohiopyle登山行, 最後是前天去的Britney Spears演唱會.......自從開始接下教Neuro的課以及醫院研究助理的工作後, 日夜加班就變成家常便飯了, 就在春假之前我真的覺得自己累到隨時都在semi-coma的狀態(有點誇張的說法別擔心囉, 以後有機會再談談這有趣的教學和臨床研究經驗), 幸好B 和 M 拉我去做 hot yoga, 這個神奇的決定讓我終於實現我的新年願望了!

等學生期末考完後, 我也可以鬆一口氣, 可是就要犧牲去紐約看Jerry的表演了(sorry), 之後Mickey跟我去德州開會也要離開Pitt了, 老媽本來要他繼續留下來煮飯給我吃, 他大概想逃之么么吧, 我可是會懷念他煮的三杯雞呢!

先預告一下吧:暑假我有計劃要回台灣一趟, 等時間確定以後會跟大家連絡, 到時候要再聚一聚唱個歌喔~~

p.s. 最近除了復習布蘭妮的曲子外, 迷上了Joanna Wang的聲音, 我特別喜歡下面這首歌, 尤其是鋼琴配聲的部份, 像不像春天的雨露呢?

Let's Start from Here (by Joanna Wang)

giving up
why should i
have come too far to forget
just got lost
somewhere along the way
so much was missing when you went away

let's start from here
lose the past
change our minds
we don't need a finish line
let's take this chance
don't think to deep
all those promises we couldn't seem to keep
I don't care where we go
let's start from here

standing here
face to face
a finger on your lips
don't say a word
don't make a sound
silence around us now
even when you were gone I felt you everywhere

let's start from here
lose the past
change our minds
we don't need a finish line
let's take this chance don't think to deep
all those promises we couldn't seem to keep
I don't care where we go
let's start from here
let's start from here

I've never been the one to open up
but you've always been the voice within
the only one for my cold heart

let's start from here
lose the past
change our minds
we don't need a finish line
let's take this chance
don't think to deep
and all those promises
let's start from here
lose the past
change our minds
we don't need a finish line
let's take this chance don't think to deep
all those promises we couldn't seem to keep
I don't care where we go
let's start from here