Here, there and everywhere
當今天把所有教材和考試結果交出去的那一刻,真有如釋重負的感覺,雖然不是第一次當TA (teachin assistant),但這次獨挑大樑的經驗真的讓我見識不少,從一開始上課時會不自主地打冷顫,到最後可以微笑上台;從與學生meeting時沒有架子說話支吾,到最後有一點老師的威嚴;還有出考卷時盼望自己有兩顆腦袋,到改考卷時看到學生似乎學到東西的成就感,當然其他不計可數的"爆笑"過程 (下一次來個NG篇),每一刻都很珍貴,開課的教授似乎滿意我的表現,她很開心看到一個不一樣的我,而我呢,十分感激她的叮囑,更謝謝這段時間替我打氣的朋友們(B, M, I, C, H...),老媽這個軍師真是功不可沒喔 *^^*
上週末趁改考卷空檔,去聽了學校合唱團的春季期末公演,第一次坐在Heinz chapel的二樓,其中他們演唱Wanting Memories(by Ysaye M. Barnwell)[這裡有一範例],這首小品用吟唱的方式敘說著如何欣賞世界的美好,如何享受著這般奇妙的記憶,我即使極度疲勞,頓時精神如同被洗刷了一番,我憶起與家人同桌吃飯的溫馨,傾聽他們的事,跟著他們歡樂或苦惱;我憶起與朋友嘻鬧瘋狂,又互相紓解彼此的煩惱,這些是再平凡不過的了,此時此刻突然變得如此重要,因為存有美妙的回憶讓我的心在陰雨綿綿的回家的路上如晴天一般......
下半場他們還改編了Beatles的"Here, there and everywhere",這首歌詞第一句就說"To lead a better life, I need my love to be here",接著用迂迴的方式要我們珍惜身邊現在的一切,簡單的旋律餘音繞樑三日不絕(哈!到今天剛好三日),總之有了回憶又能惜福,這樣的人生似乎就不會虛度了吧?
p.s. Pittsburgh上週末終於也下了最後一場雪,加上這幾日的風和雨,早春剛開的花大都招架不住,而今天走在校園裡,一株類似梅花的樹開滿了點點的紫紅花,那種搖曳生姿的模樣,像是宣告真正的春天來臨了,我接下來幾日將out of town,期待下週回來後,春天就會是here, there and everywhere......
To lead a better life
I need my love to be here
Here, making each day of the year
Changing my life with a wave of her hand
Nobody can deny that there's something there
There, running my hands through her hair
Both of us thinking how good it can be
Someone is speaking, but she doesn't know he's there
I want her everywhere
And if she's beside me I know I need never care
But to love her is to need her
Everywhere, knowing that love is to share
Each one believing that love never dies
Watching her eyes and hoping I'm always there
I want her everywhere
And if she's beside me I know I need never care
But to love her is to need her
Everywhere, knowing that love is to share
Each one believing that love never dies
Watching her eyes and hoping I'm always there
I will be there, and everywhere
Here, there and everywhere